It’s that time of year when there are twice as many invitations to gatherings with friends, family and co-workers. For some it’s a time to relax and enjoy the company of loved ones, acquaintances and even strangers. But, for most, this season brings on a familiar feeling of anxiety. The anxiety of having to find things to converse about with all these different groups of people. The feeling that one has to be “on” for the next 2-3 hours to socialize and not be awkward. The thoughts begin to unravel in one’s head about what to wear, what will family think when they know you still haven’t found that special someone or didn’t get the promotion you spoke about last year, or maybe you’ve gained weight and are ashamed of that. The list of reasons for the onset of this anxiety is endless. Just know that you are not alone in this.
Knowing that you’re probably not the only one having these thoughts hopefully gives you a bit of relief. We all go through this self-talk. We all have doubts and second guess what other’s may or may not think of us after the fact. However, consider this – what if you have the time of your life? What if someone you talk to opens up a new opportunity for you? What if you don’t assume and just go. Just show up and don’t assume that anything particular is going to happen.
Here are a few tips to get you more prepared for the holiday parties coming your way.
Close your eyes and envision yourself shedding all assumptions of what might happen and enter that party with a clear mind and be present. Put your phone away and walk in with curiosity. The curious mindset of what could happen if you let go of any judgement of yourself and others and what that might do for you? Instead of having that space in your mind filled with pretenses allow it to be a clean slate to allow openness for what is meant for you to come your way. Who knows what this holiday season could bring you if you have an open mind to receive what God/Universe has for you. Let anxiety know you recognize its presence and that its desire to protect you from anything isn’t necessary. Let it know your choice to move forward with non-judgment and courage is in the driver’s seat and that it’s not going to hold you back anymore. Let your spark ignite in you this holiday season and shine for others to see.
With love and gratitude – thank you for reading. xo